
ACCELERATE Weight Loss Program


If you qualify for the Accelerate! Weight Loss Program you can lose 20-30 pounds and reshape your body in about 6 weeks. Yes, it is this dramatic.

Most people accomplish this by following our instructions and being disciplined.

While losing weight is a significant health goal this program may do nothing to correct any metabolic imbalances that you may have. If you have not been cleared for the Accelerate! Weight Loss Program you need to speak with someone in the clinic. This may include a consultation, history intake, laboratory and blood chemistry evaluation and interpretation, and metabolic testing.

Accelerate! What You Will Get

You will feel great about yourself while following this program!

You will learn lifelong habits of eating well after you have completed the program. You will save money on the food you purchase and make for yourself while enjoying better health.

You will eat a healthy, restricted diet of 800 calories each day. While on this program you should actually release 1,500 – 3,000 calories per day because of fat storage release. You will eat 800 calories each day and still have energy and not feel hungry.

The Pros of Doing the Accelerate! Weight Loss Program:

• You will lose inches and clothing sizes.

• You will see a loss of weight on the scale almost every day and this will keep you motivated.

• You will look healthier and be in better shape to do more activities than before.

• This program targets abnormal fat stores (the fat you cannot lose with most diets and exercise).

• Your skin may retract as you lose the fat.

• You can reset the hypothalamus (metabolic set point) so you may not gain the weight back.

• Blood sugars tend to be more stable even in diabetics.

• A decrease or even an elimination of some medications. Please consult with your physician before stopping any medications.

• Most people experience fewer aches and pains, improved mood and energy, a healthier control of their appetite, and the loss of cravings for junk foods.

The Potential Cons of Accelerate! Weight Loss Program:

• You may have changes in sleep patterns. Some people have mild insomnia, but some experience better rest. Tell us if you are having problems with your sleep.

• You may experience mild constipation. This is usually not a concern since less food intake leads to a decrease in stool frequency. Please inform us if you are having bowel problems.

• Dry skin may be a problem during the weight lost phase since you can’t use most lotions containing fats and oils. See “Resources” for allowed products. If dry skin occurs do not take baths sitting in water that leaches the natural oils from your skin or take very hot showers that dry your skin.

• Some people experience leg cramps especially at night in bed. Speak to us about a multi vitamin which will usually solve this problem.

• Menstrual irregularities may become possible, but is not common. Some women find that their menstruation is heavier and more uncomfortable during Phase I of the program. Some women have a slight plateau of weight loss during their period.


This program is an effective detoxification because only a small amount of food is eaten each day and all of the food allowed is healthy. This gives the entire system rest from the onslaught of unhealthy, processed foods and drinks that many people consume. Unlike most diets, this weight loss program can have long-lasting effects to help you change your attitude towards food and help your body handle food more efficiently

The Hypothalamus and Metabolism

The hypothalamus is a part of the brain stem and the oldest part of the brain. It is in control of our involuntary functions, including fat storage. The hypothalamus functions to control metabolism. As people start eating scheduled meals with much higher calorie intake while activity decreased the hypothalamus reaches the limit of calorie processing. The hypothalamus pushes the extra calories into fat stores instead of the muscles. These fat stores add more and more fat to be held for emergency use – not for daily activities. The body will not use fat for fuel unless it is absolutely necessary. This is why a person who wants to lose weight by cutting calories or through bariatric surgery can look gaunt and still has large hips or a bulging stomach.

While going through the Accelerate! Weight Loss Program you are not living on food intake. You are living on the calories liberated from your fat stores. This can be 1800-4000 calories per day.

The Accelerate! Weight Loss Program is very restrictive and must be followed closely if you are to be successful.



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